Site Selection
The following is an extract from the emerging Chelmsford City Council Local Plan (LP) which has designated Danbury as Strategic Growth Site 9.
The LP includes an allocation of around 100 new homes to be accommodated within or adjoining the Defined Settlement Boundary of Danbury. The site(s) to accommodate this allocation will be identified and consulted upon through the emerging Danbury Neighbourhood Plan.
Amount and type of development:
The Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group will select appropriate sites and allocate housing to those sites having consulted with residents of the village. A 'Call for Sites' was launched in 2017. Landowners were invited to submit details of any land which to be considered for future development through the Danbury Neighbourhood Plan. All types of development and all land use proposals were considered.
This Call for Sites has closed and any landowner wishing to pursue new sites should submit them to Chelmsford City Council SHELAA Call for Sites.
The following is an extract from the emerging Chelmsford City Council Local Plan (LP) which has designated Danbury as Strategic Growth Site 9.
The LP includes an allocation of around 100 new homes to be accommodated within or adjoining the Defined Settlement Boundary of Danbury. The site(s) to accommodate this allocation will be identified and consulted upon through the emerging Danbury Neighbourhood Plan.
Amount and type of development:
- Around 100 new homes of mixed size and type including affordable housing
- Site Masterplanning principles: Conserve and enhance the Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) in and around Danbury (Blake’s Wood and Lingwood Common SSSI, Woodham Walter Common SSSI, Danbury Common SSSI) ensuring any new development avoids direct impacts and mitigates indirect impacts (i.e. recreational damage) as a priority and provides any required mitigation measures where necessary (including those set within any emerging visitor impact studies / strategic solutions).
The Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group will select appropriate sites and allocate housing to those sites having consulted with residents of the village. A 'Call for Sites' was launched in 2017. Landowners were invited to submit details of any land which to be considered for future development through the Danbury Neighbourhood Plan. All types of development and all land use proposals were considered.
This Call for Sites has closed and any landowner wishing to pursue new sites should submit them to Chelmsford City Council SHELAA Call for Sites.